Ghost Investigator

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Location: New York, United States

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Now appearing on Facebook...

Thanks to Tom Zimmermann, I now have a Facebook Fan page:

Guess I have been in the Dark Ages (or at least in dark basements hunting ghosts), because Facebook is all new to me, so it will take a while for me to build up some content on the site, but please drop by and join my page!

New Book Project, Looking for Suggestions

I am working on a new ghost book project that will include sites in all 50 states, and I would appreciate any suggestions. It will be written in the same style as the Hudson Valley book which is coming out in a few months (see Dec 22 blog entry). Each site needs 2 things : historic significance, and a ghost. For example, haunted battlefields, historic homes, hotels, etc. Many historic sites get very indignant when one mentions the "G-word", so I need places that are open and willing to talk about their ghost stories. I would love to receive your suggestions, and if you have any personal experiences with the sites, even better! Email me at Thanks!